Download entire RJPS vol5-issue2, April-2017 journal:
- Spearman correlations between learning styles from rational level and Gardner intelligence types
Mihai Covaci
Download: RJPS_nr_5(2)_2017_A1_Covaci - Mindfulness and distal influence of social groups
Aliodor Manolea
Download: RJPS_nr_5(2)_2017_A2_Manolea - Teaching gross motor imitation skills to children diagnosed with autism
Daniela Doina Bololoi
Steliana Rizeanu
Download: RJPS_nr_5(2)_2017_A3_Bololoi - Stress, depression and dysfunctional attitudes among elders. A non-experimental approach
Mircea Bratu
Radu Emanuel Rizeanu
Download: RJPS_nr_5(2)_2017_A4_Bratu - Psychotherapeutic approach of anxiety disorders – a false phobia, phagophobia. Case study
Cristina-Mihaela Stoian
Steliana Rizeanu
Download: RJPS_nr_5(2)_2017_A5_Stoian - Differences between the self-assessed and observed level of aggressivity of young drivers in traffic – a pilot study
Emil Răzvan Gâtej
Steliana Rizeanu
George Ursachi
Download: RJPS_nr_5(2)_2017_A6_Gatej
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