RJPS Volume 7 Issue 1, March 2019

Download entire RJPS vol7-issue1, March-2019 journal:


  1. The effects of anxiety, aggressiveness and risk management on decision-making behavior in online gambling
    Emil-Razvan Gatej
    Steliana Rizeanu
    Anca Maria Manolache
    Download: RJPS_nr_7(1)_2019_A1_Gatej
  2. Music therapy associated with psychological intervention effect on infertile patients quality of life
    Cristiana Haica
    Florin Ene
    Download: RJPS_nr_7(1)_2019_A2_Haica
  3. Personality disorders among future psychologists
    Steliana Rizeanu
    Florin Ene
    Download: RJPS_nr_7(1)_2019_A3_Rizeanu
  4. Development of resilience in children and teenagers: a meta-analysis of empirical studies from 2006-2017 (personality and mental state)
    Mihaela Stomff
    Download: RJPS_nr_7(1)_2019_A4_Stomff
  5. Silence as a method of initiation into spirituality
    Aliodor Manolea
    Download: RJPS_nr_7(1)_2019_A5_Manolea
  6. The relationship between the big five personality factors and their facets and burnout: a study among additional-job holders
    Lavinia Țânculescu
    Download: RJPS_nr_7(1)_2019_A6_Tanculescu